There are three groups for Japanese verb conjugation.

I will teach you the groups and polite form in this article.

What can you learn in this article?
  • Conjugation groups
  • Polite form
  • Conjugation chart

  • Japanese conjugation

    There are three groups for verb conjugation.

    Let’s take a closer look.


    Basically, group 1 verb’s end with a “u” sound.

    For example, かう(kau), かく(kaku), きく(kiku), のむ(nomu) and so on.

    Some text books explain group 1 verbs as U verbs.


    Basically, group 2 are verbs which ends with iru or eru.

    For example, みる(miru), たべる(taberu), きる(kiru)and so on.

    Some text books explain group 2 as Ru verb.

    However, there are many exceptions and you will need to memorize the exceptions.


    group 3 are composed of irregular verbs.

    There are two irregular verbs in Japanese, which are くる(kuru) and する(suru).

    Polite form


    Some text books explain polite form as ます(masu) form because we add ます end of verb.

    u changes into i sound and we add masu.

    For example, あるく(aruku) changes into あるき(aruki) and then you add ます, so you get あるきます(arukimasu).

    はしる(hashiru), this is an exception to group 1, it becomes はしります(hashirimasu).


    Group 2 is easier than group 1.

    Just take る(ru) and add ます(masu).

    For example, みる(miru).

    We take る and ます, so it becomes みます(mimasu).

    たべる(taberu) becomes たべます(tabemasu).


    These are irregular verbs, so you will need to remember them.

    する(suru)becomes します(shimasu).

    くる(kuru) becomes きます(kimasu).

    Polite form chart

    Groupますform conjugation
    Group1u sound→iます。
    Group2Take ru and add masu
    (れい) みる→みます
    Group3Irregular verb

    If you would like to practice conjugation in conversation, please let me know.

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