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Japanese grammar, what does te oku mean?
When you ask someone to do something in advance, how can you ask it? You can use ておく for it. W…

JLPT N4 Japanese grammar かもしれない -uncertainty-
If you aren’t sure if it’s true or not, how can you express it in Japanese. You can use かもしれない in…

Japanese grammar -What is sou da?-
When you tell someone that it’s about to rain or I hear that it’s going to rain, you can use そうだ. …

Japanese grammar JLPT N4 -てしまう-
When you failed something, how can you explain the situation in Japanese? You may use てしまう. In…

Learning Japanese grammar -V方(かた)
If you don’t know how to use a computer, how can you ask in Japanese? In this article. I will tea…

What’s adverbial form of adjectives (く form)?
In this article, I will teach you how to change from adjectives into adverbs. As you know, adject…

Learning japanese grammar -nominalizer-
Do you know how to change verbs or adjectives into nouns? The rule is easy. I have been teachi…

Let’s learn japanese grammar -Vにくい, Vやすい-
When something is hard to do or easy to do, how can you explain the situation in Japanese? In thi…

Learn Japanese grammar- what is Vところだ?-
When you tell someone what you are about to do, are doing, or have just finished, you can use Vところです…

What is Japanese masu form? -learning verb-
When you learn Japanese verbs, you will see -ます with verbs. ます form is a very basic conjugation t…

Japanese grammar, what is たことがある?
When you want to say “I’ve been to Japan”, how can you say it in Japanese? You can use たことがある to …

Improve Japanese skills -difference よ、ね、か-
You may have heard “ですよ”, “ですね”, “ですか” or “ですよね”. よ, ね and か are called sentence ending particles…

4 Essential Japanese particles -と、で、から、まで-
I wrote about 5 essential Japanese particles, は, が, を, に, へ in the previous article. In this arti…

Let’s learn Japanese essential particles part 1
You may feel difficulty when learning Japanese particles because there are many particles and one pa…

Let’s learn more about kono, sono and ano
Please think about this conversation. A: I went to a new restaurant. B: How was that? A: It was …

Japanese grammar -too much, ~すぎる-
When something exceeds the standard and it causes a problem, how can you explain the situation? I…

Japanese grammar for obligation, ~なければなりません
When you want to say I must study hard for my exam, how can you say that in Japanese? You can use…

japanese transitive and intransitive verbs
Do you know the difference between 「ドアがあく」and「ドアをあける」? あける is たどうし(Transitive verb) and あく is じどう…

Difference between から、ので and ため-Japanese grammar-
When we explain a reason, we usually use から、ので、ため. For example, if you say the game has been can…

Basic Japanese grammar-Comparative forms-
How can you say I am younger than you or I am the most handsome person in Japanese? In this artic…

Difference between どう and どんな -japanese grammar-
When you want to ask your friend what kind of music they like or how they feel about music, how can …

What’s the difference between Japanese は and が?
Many Japanese learners might be wondering what the difference is between は and が. In this article…

Let’s learn what temiru is -JLPT N4 grammar-
When you want to recommend something to your Japanese friend, how can you do this in Japanese? Yo…

how to ask questions and answer in Japanese
How can you make question sentences and answer it in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you …

learn adjective and noun テ form -JLPT n5 grammar-
If you want to talk about things that are cheap and delicious, how can you explain it in Japanese? …

Join a language exchange for Japanese learners!
Are you interested in a language exchange? Do you want to speak with Japanese speakers? If so,…

JLPT N5 Japanese grammar -てから- explain after doing
When you want to say that you did homework, then watched TV, how can you say that in Japanese? In…

JLPT N5 grammar. Let’s learn about という
When you tell your Japanese friends about a thing or person that your friends don’t know well, how c…

Let’s learn Japanese plain form.
When you talk with your friends, you would want to be casual, right? There are two types of sente…

Let’s learn Japanese grammar -もう and まだ-
When you want to ask your friends if they’ve finished eating their dinner, how can you ask it in Jap…

JLPT N5 Japanese grammar -になる, にする-
You have endured the cold weather, but now it’s getting warmer. The weather is changing. How …

before and after japanese grammar-まえに, あとで-
How can you say before or after in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you the different ways…

Japanese grammar -purpose+ni+iku-, ~にいく
When you want to explain why you came, how can you express yourself? In this article, I will teac…

Japanese grammar ながら-how can you say while ~?-
You want to have breakfast and watch TV, but you don’t have enough time. You will want to do the …

Japanese grammar – how to use ~たり、~たり-
If you went to Japan and you want to tell your friends what you did, you would give them some exampl…

Let’s learn Japanese dates, days, month and time
We use different words to count the month, date or time. In this article, I will teach you the nu…

Volitional form japanese grammar -しよう-
Do you want to invite your Japanese friends out? What do you say when you want to invite them? …

How can you say I want 〇〇 in Japanese -がほしい/したいです-
If you want water, how do you say it in Japanese? If you also want to do something, how do you sa…

How can I say I like 〇〇 in Japanese?
How can you say I like ○○ in Japanese? In this article, I teach you expressions about like and lo…

What is te kudasai? -Japanese grammar-
How do you ask someone to do something? In this article, I teach you how you can ask people to do…

Japanese grammar masenka vs mashou
When you would like to invite someone or ask to do something together, how can you invite? In thi…

Japanese aru vs iru, what’s the difference?
When we mention the existence in English, we would say there is bla bla or there are bla bla. How…

Japanese verbs conjugation-past tense
There are three groups for Japanese verb conjugation. In this article, I will teach you plain for…

Japanese particle の- possessor and modifier
How can you add information to a noun and explain the noun more specifically. When you read this …

learning negative sentences in japanese
How can we make negative sentences in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you how to create n…

What’s the difference between てあげる、てくれる and てもらう?
How do you explain when you do something for someone or someone does something for you? In this a…

What can you learn in the general Japanese course?
I will talk about the activities done in my classes for anyone who is curious. This is the fourth…

What’s the difference between あげる、くれる and もらう?
I gave a present to my brother. My brother gave me a present. Like in these sentences, “give” …

What’s the difference between こと and の?
I love read a book. Is it correct? As you already know, this sentence is wrong because we shou…

how to order food in Japanese restaurant
When you go to Japan, how would you order food from the menu? In this article, I’m going to teach…

Let’s learn Japanese words for question
How can you ask Japanese people? In this article, I’m going to teach you the 5 Ws: What, Who, Whe…

Let’s learn Japanese kosoado words
How can we say “this”, “that”, “here” or “there” in Japanese? When we talk about these things, th…

Learning Japanese grammar-adjectives conjugation
There are two types of adjective in Japanese. These are イ adjectives and ナ adjectives. In this ar…

Let’s learn Japanese counters, counting words
When you count something in English, maybe it isn’t too hard. That’s because the rules are not co…

Introduction of General Japanese beginner course
I’m going to talk about class activities for someone who is interested in my class. This is the t…

5 Japanese onomatopoeia words I often use – part 1
What is an onomatopoeia? It is… the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitat…

Learning Japanese conjugation te form
One of the hardest conjugations to remember might be the “te” form. The “te” form is one of many …

JLPT N4 classes have started in person
I’m going to talk about class activities for someone who is interested in my class. This is the …

How to introduce yourself in Japanese
If you moved to Japan, how would you introduce yourself to your new friends, coworkers or family. …

Three Japanese words it’s hard to translate
When I teach Japanese, I realize that it’s hard for me to translate into Japanese or English. I’d…

Japanese verb conjugation rules with chart
There are three groups for Japanese verb conjugation. I will teach you the groups and polite form…

【Toronto Japanese Class】We did language exchange
I’m going to talk about class activities for someone who is interested in my class. This is the f…

8 Japanese greetings words used in daily life
I’ve been teaching Japanese for 3 years and have met many students. When I teach them, they usual…