We use different words to count the month, date or time.
In this article, I will teach you the numbers and days of the week in Japanese.
If you want to learn more about Japanese counters, please read this article first.
Let’s learn Japanese counters, counting words
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When we express month, we say ○○がつ.
なんがつですか is the question form.
Please remember 4, 7, 9 are special number, しがつ、しちがつ、くがつ.

We use にち for dates like 11にち(jyuichinichi).
However, 1st to 10th, 14th, 20th and 24th are special.
19th is じゅうくにち and 29th is にじゅうくにち.
We say なんにちですか when we ask for the date.

We say 〇じ 〇ふん for time.
For instance, 5 o’clock is 5じ.
Please remember 4じ, 7じ, 9じ is special, よじ、しちじ、くじ.
When we count “h” sound changes to “p” sound, so 1, 6, 8, 10 connect with っぷん such as いっぷん、ろっぷん、はっぷん、じゅっぷん
Therefore, 5:16 is ごじ じゅうろっぷん.
Let’s learn Japanese counters, counting words
*5:30 is 5じはん and はん means half.
*When we ask what time it is, we say なんじですか。

Days of the week
From Sunday to Sataurday.
When we ask what day is it today, we say なんようびですか.

When mention from a big thing to a small thing.
2022ねん 11がつ 30にち すいようび。8じはん
Question form | なんがつ | なんにち | なんじ |
1 | いちがつ | ついたち | いちじ |
2 | にがつ | ふつか | にじ |
3 | さんがつ | みっか | さんじ |
4 | しがつ | よっか | よじ |
5 | ごがつ | いつか | ごじ |
6 | ろくがつ | むいか | ろくじ |
7 | しちがつ | なのか | しちじ |
8 | はちがつ | ようか | はちじ |
9 | くがつ | ここのか | くじ |
10 | じゅうがつ | とおか | じゅうじ |
11 | じゅういちがつ | じゅういちにち | じゅういちじ |
12 | じゅうにがつ | じゅうににち | じゅうにじ |
13 | じゅうさんにち | ||
14 | じゅうよっか | ||
15 | じゅうごにち | ||
16 | じゅうろくにち | ||
17 | じゅうしちにち | ||
18 | じゅうはちにち | ||
19 | じゅうくにち | ||
20 | はつか | ||
21 | にじゅういちにち | ||
22 | にじゅうににち | ||
23 | にじゅうさんにち | ||
24 | にじゅうよっか | ||
25 | にじゅうごにち | ||
26 | にじゅうろくにち | ||
27 | にじゅうしちにち | ||
28 | にじゅうはちにち | ||
29 | にじゅうくにち | ||
30 | さんじゅうにち |
There are conjugation rules, but one of the best ways to remember them is to use them in conversation.
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