How can I say I like 〇〇 in Japanese?

How can you say I like ○○ in Japanese? In this article, I teach you expressions about like and love. すき When I say I like 〇〇, I would say ○○がすきです。 N1は N2が すきです。 N1 is subject and N2 is object. (ex) わたしは くるまが すきです。 I like cars. Remember that “Like” is a verb, but すき is ナ adjective.…

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learning negative sentences in japanese

How can we make negative sentences in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you how to create negative sentences in Japanese. Noun There are two ways to make negative sentences for nouns, which are ではありません or ではないです。 Noun+ではありません/ではないです (ex)A: あなたはアメリカじんですか。 B: いいえ、アメリカじんじゃ(では)ありません。 or いいえ、あめりかじんじゃ(では)ないです。 Let’s learn more. What’s the difference between じゃない and ではない.…

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What’s the difference between あげる、くれる and もらう?

I gave a present to my brother. My brother gave me a present. Like in these sentences, “give” is give. It won’t change whoever gives presents or receives the presents. However, there are two words for “giving”, which are あげる and くれる. What’s the difference between あげる and くれる? To understand the difference, we must…

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Let’s learn Japanese kosoado words

How can we say “this”, “that”, “here” or “there” in Japanese? When we talk about these things, the words we use change depending on physical distance between a speaker and listener. The words are called こそあどことば because the first syllable is こ(ko), そ(so), あ(a) or ど(do). Let’s learn Japanese kosoado words in this article. What…

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