When you want to say that you did homework, then watched TV, how can you say that in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you how you can explain the order of actions that you have performed. *Are you looking for a place to practice Japanese? Youtonihongo is for you. You may receive one…
Read MoreWhen you tell your Japanese friends about a thing or person that your friends don’t know well, how can you mention it? In this article, I will teach you how you can mention a thing or person that the listener may not be familiar with. When you read this article, you would understand what “という”…
Read MoreWhen you talk with your friends, you would want to be casual, right? There are two types of sentences, polite form and plain form. We usually use plain form to talk to friends, so in this article, I will teach you what plain form is. *Are you looking for a place to practice Japanese? Youtonihongo…
Read MoreWhen you want to ask your friends if they’ve finished eating their dinner, how can you ask it in Japanese? If someone asked you if you’ve finished eating your dinner, how can you answer the question in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you how you can ask if they’ve done something and how…
Read MoreYou have endured the cold weather, but now it’s getting warmer. The weather is changing. How can we explain a changing situation in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you how we can describe change in Japanese. *Are you looking for a place to practice Japanese? Youtonihongo is for you. You may receive one…
Read MoreHow can you say before or after in Japanese? In this article, I will teach you the different ways to say before and after in Japanese. *Are you looking for a place to practice Japanese? Youtonihongo is for you. You may receive one free 30-minute trial lesson. >>Contact form. before You can use “…まえに” to…
Read MoreWhen you want to explain why you came, how can you express yourself? In this article, I will teach you how you can explain why you went/came. *Are you looking for a place to practice Japanese? Youtonihongo is for you. You may receive one free 30-minute trial lesson. >>Contact form. ~に+いく We use “~にいく” when…
Read MoreYou want to have breakfast and watch TV, but you don’t have enough time. You will want to do the two things at the same time, right? How can you explain this situation in Japanese? In this article, I teach you how you can explain this situation in Japanese. *Are you looking for a place…
Read MoreIf you went to Japan and you want to tell your friends what you did, you would give them some examples. How can you tell them what you do or did? You can use ~たり, ~たり します. What is ~たり, ~たり? In this article, I teach you what ~たり, ~たり is. *Are you looking for…
Read MoreWe use different words to count the month, date or time. In this article, I will teach you the numbers and days of the week in Japanese. If you want to learn more about Japanese counters, please read this article first. Let’s learn Japanese counters, counting words *Are you looking for a place to practice…
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